Bibliographic transition

(TB) (FR : Transition bibliographique)
The objective of the Bibliographic Transition is to improve the exposure of bibliographic and authority data in Linked data by applying the FRBR then IFLA-LRM model to them and by adopting new cataloging rules derived from Resource description and access (RDA). In France, three national working groups, led by the bibliographic agencies ABES and the BnF, have been working together since 2015. The goal is that in 2022, the current cataloging standards (Afnor) will disappear in favor of RDA-FR rules currently being defined. These new rules will be based on two models: the Semantic Web and FRBR, more specifically through the IFLA LRM model. This new model offers an enriched description of catalog data and metadata (RDF language). The national catalogs have started their progressive « FRBRization », by playing both on modifications of the bibliographic data format and on the adjustment of repositories such as RAMEAU for example.