English Glossary

Welcome to the bilingual glossary of AureXus!
This glossary is a compilation of terms and the definitions specific to the AureXus method and its activities, notably within the domain of libraries, archives and museums. Topics include cataloging and the bibliographic transition, PRINCE2 project management, and AureXus innovative tools and services designed to facilitate content conversion.
Terms are provided in both English and French, as well as links between the corresponding definitions. Many definitions have been taken from documents cited as sources, and many of the translations come from AureXus.

Want to contribute to the AureXus Glossary ?

This is a living glossary, and a work in progress. Proposals for the creation of new terms, suggestions for rectification or the correction of errors can be addressed to the writers of this glossary by email via this address or directly via the box below.

You can make simple suggestions by indicating only a term for which you would like to see the definition present in this glossary or you can propose a term along with its definition, its french translation, the source of the definition (link) and any other information that seems important to you. Suggestions are anonymous.

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